Thursday, September 17, 2015

What do teachers make?

This week I watched the video What Do Teachers Make. It inspired me to think about this question more profoundly. I remember telling my parents that I wanted to be a teacher someday and I can never forget the look on their faces. My father told me "so all this education so you can waste your time being a teacher." My mother exclaimed "sweetheart you aren't going to school for so long to get a low paying job." Honestly it hurt that all they could think about was how much I would make and not about how happy it would make me. I told them being a teacher is not about money. It's about changing the world even if it's someone's world that you change. Being a teacher is about the passion you have for teaching. let's think about what being rich means? Being rich can be either money wise or knowledge wise. Teachers are rich just not the type of rich society thinks of. I mean think about it without teachers there would be no other professions. So when you put down teaching just remember that teaching got you to where you are now. I want to teach because I have a passion for teaching. I want to see my children go out into the world and do something that makes it better. I want to teach because to me being a teacher is the most powerful position you can have. I want to be a teacher because that is the type of rich I want to be. So to my parents I am not sorry if me being a teacher disappoints you. It is what will make me happy and to be honest nothing else matters besides my happiness. If you need any more reason to think teaching has a huge impact watch this video.